Post-Pandemic Tech Trends

Post-Pandemic Tech Trends

Organizations were spurred into action during the coronavirus pandemic by its demand to assess all aspects of operations and implement new emerging technologies, which may remain long after COVID-19 becomes part of history.

Remote work, contact tracing, virtual storefronts are just a few technologies that will remain prominent post-pandemic business world. Others include mRNA vaccines and spatial computing among many more.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Since 1951 when the first computer beat a human at checkers and IBM’s Deep Blue became the first AI machine to defeat a world chess champion, the tech industry has made significant advances in artificial intelligence (AI). Today it can be found in many devices from digital assistants like Siri and Alexa to smartwatches that recognize our voice and organize daily tasks for us; AI can even assist doctors in quicker cancer diagnoses by identifying molecules which could lead to new medicines, or assist cybersecurity by detecting patterns in cyberattacks that help combat cyberbullying or identity theft.

AI can provide many advantages, yet can raise concerns over job automation and augmentation. Companies like online retailer Amazon already employ robots to pack goods in warehouses – without taking away from human workers but freeing them up for more complex or rewarding tasks.

Virtual Reality (VR)/Augmented Reality (AR)

VR technology immerses its users into an alternate reality, such as video game world or virtual trips. To utilize it effectively it requires a headset with haptic feedback connected to their computer or console and provides access to different worlds tethered through it. While virtual reality conferencing could prove effective for businesses they must first carefully assess its benefits against costs of equipment and usability before considering using this method for collaboration purposes.

AR uses digital details, like directions or Pokemon GO*, to augment reality in real-world settings. AR’s transformative potential extends across retail, training and education, healthcare (such as surgical simulations), technology — such as making power grid visualization easier for technicians — as well as retail.

Companies will have access to an increased variety of technologies that foster innovation than ever before, prompting them to upgrade their IT departments as customers become ever more important. On July 13, OurCrowd CEO Gil Ben-Shushan will host a webinar examining some of the top trends of tomorrow’s post-pandemic business landscape.


Robotics is an emerging field, and robotic software has moved swiftly from basic machine code to cognitive capabilities in collaborative robots that perform cognitive functions – providing this industry with significant momentum for growth.

Robots help businesses increase productivity by automating repetitive work and freeing employees to focus on other tasks or develop new abilities. Furthermore, robots provide higher levels of quality assurance by eliminating vigilance decrement – the temporary loss in concentration caused by repeating similar tasks time after time – as well as providing higher levels of vigilance decrement elimination.

Healthcare robots play an increasingly vital role in healthcare delivery, from surgery and physical therapy assistance, through filling and sealing COVID-19 testing swabs to producing respirators and even home applications like robot vacuum cleaners and lawnmowers.

Automation brings with it several challenges for businesses, such as liability issues if a robot malfunctions and causes injury. Therefore, it is imperative for organizations to reskill employees so they are equipped to operate and maintain these new machines.

Sensor Technology

Sensor technology has become an indispensable element of modern life. “My sensor solutions developed before Dell are highly relevant now – particularly AI-assisted biosensors that detect viruses and toxins in air samples,” Larson states.

These sensors are designed to minimize operational costs through accurate data, helping users take quick and appropriate actions before an issue escalates into something bigger – for instance, leak detection sensors can quickly identify water spills before they become catastrophes.

These sensor solutions are helping to make our world a better place through improved medical diagnostics, more efficient energy sources like batteries and solar power; smarter buildings and infrastructure; and increased security for business operations. These trends are evidence of our ability to adapt and innovate as we move into the future – innovations which remain relevant long after an epidemic has ended.

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